Sunday, April 8, 2012

陳柏霖 - 我不會喜歡你 翻唱 =P

又厚着臉皮 翻唱了一段 陳柏霖 - 我不會喜歡你】 
獻醜了 =P



無意間在PPS 點到了 一部偶像劇 我可能不會愛你
看了几集 感觸量多。 哈哈
所以就想到了以上 兩句,我雷夢林的則學!! 呵呵

推薦 一首很感動的插曲。好聽噢。 =)

Learn to appreciate your single status. Here are five things that singles sometimes take for granted.
Step 1: Sleep睡觉
Sleep is a beautiful thing. When you're single, no one's nagging at you to get up or counting the hours that you've spent in bed. You are left in peace with your box fan and body pillow. Sleep all day guilt-free!


Step 2: Money钱

When you're single, there's no joint account. You can do whatever you want with your money. There's none of that "what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours" foolishness. No household budget. Go ahead and buy that hideous, life-size statue of Wayne Newton. Put it in the middle of the living room. No one is the boss of you!
Step 3: Career工作
Work all night, all weekend if you want to. Then socialize with the boss until 2:00AM or later. Your married co-workers can't compete. They've got "commitments". You win by default! And when that headhunter calls, there's no one holding you back. Pack up and move wherever the fattest paycheck is waiting.
Step 4: Rejection拒绝
When you're single, rejection is your friend. If you're on a bad date, make up some excuse and get the heck out of there. You don't have to ever see her again.
Step 5: Amuse Yourself自娱自乐
Host a poker tournament complete with back up dancers. See how much laundry you can fit into the washer. Create a new dish out of the few things you have left in the cupboard and eat it in the middle of the night. Become a pro at belching the alphabet. The possibilities are endless.

周末, 我的複活節! 快樂 =D


工作做工 工作做工 工作。。。

大學畢業後的生活。。。難道就如此? 哈

朋友或家人聚會、逛街、喝茶聊天。。。短短幾個小時,我回到了原來的自己, 一個在工作時會完全消失的自己。 

嗯。。。人生就如此嗎? 哈哈 

基本的開心 最重要!

周末, 呆在家 陪家人 哪兒都沒去。。。簡簡單單的活著。