Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy兔U 之【寫春聯】



今早趁著身體還行,我興緻勃勃突然要求媽媽買了紅紙給我寫春聯~ 哈哈
寫得亂七八招的~^_^ 媽媽看了沉默。。。姐姐看了 哈哈回應~
我想 應該擺不出大堂吧~ 避邪還行!

你看看~那麼慘不忍睹?我無師自通, 也算不錯了吧~ 呵呵 =P




Happy 兔 U 





會難看嗎? ">"."<"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'll never STOP!

awww... fall sick~  fever now...

My plan still have to move ON!

yeah, able to hit my yesterday target !
finished chapter 3 &5 for AR!
even i found that quite slowy in the begining...

okay, Chapter 4... wish i able to cover it by today!

still plan to go for shopping and get some new clothes today...
should i follow my plan or rest at home+study??
i think i will follow my plan...since i dont have any extra time for it anymore~ hmmm...

God bless! i know i will get well in few hours!
perhaps~ hehe
cheer~  =)

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop"

Sunday, January 23, 2011


The ball doesn't bounce at all! It's completely absorbed by the court. There's no upward movement at all. I just tried dropping a tennis ball on a soft pillow and there was at least a little. That one simply died, like it was caught by one of those velcro paddles you see people playing with on the beach.

What happened is that the stifling temperatures in Melbourne caused a heat bubble filled with air to form under the surface of the court. It's the same concept that causes crust bubbles to develop on edges of pizza slices. As the Mirror reported, workers came out and drilled two small holes in the court, which let out the air. Order, and gravity, was restored.


Friday, January 21, 2011

带领2011潮流 《 国王的新衣》

murmur murmur time~ LOL

吖。刚健完身, 现在有点累。。 (>.<)
等下还得和家人去shopping 顺便回家过年咯。。。

但是逛来逛去 看来看去 男生的衣服款式设计 怎么都一样的?

之前和朋友逛了逛几家商场, 看见的来来去去都是 格子衬衫 线条 图案 字。。。
我衣柜里好像都齐了。。。 =P 
有几度看到不错的款式, 但是价钱也太高了吧~ 一件T-shirt 起跳 RM2XX  ?!
不然就不太适合马来西亚的天气~  我那么怕热 最终还是放弃了~  哈哈

比起国外的款式, 我们的。。。
国外多层次的穿法搭配 如果套在马来西亚。。。中暑了吧~ 哈哈

哈哈 =P
还是,很多有品位的男性 也和我有同感?
嘻嘻 ^^  * 脸皮真厚*

今年的农历新年就来个 国王新衣吧! 啊哈哈 ~

我想最终还是买些简单又能常穿的 衣类吧~  LOL
开心就好 =)

记得 10 +1+1+1+ ......

 我想这海报 对大马人来说不是陌生的吧?
上映了 一个星期了
终于 抽空时间又踏进戏院 支持本地电影
除了 《大日子》 《初恋豆冰
我想这应该是我第四次 踏入戏院 支持大马电影了!!
因为初恋红豆冰看了两遍 ^^

又是一部非常扣人心悬 得好电影!
泪珠一滴滴 往肚里吞~

RM9 的付出真的不后悔 =)

记得 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 。。。。。

Nice Melody

晴天   雨天

我肥肥酱 因为我很孝顺! HAHA

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Time flIEs~ "TIE"

oh yeah
finally everything settle ~
Assignments done! Lab reports
FYP presentation done!! Moderator: "Very Good presentation!"  Happy sia  XD
So noW!! it's my time to relax....but not over...since final exam around the corner....
azixx~ foget it 1st...

TODAY! I just wanna
RELAX X10000...~ 

sing along song ROCK!!
LOL to relax mind.  yeah~  

Update some photos od recent activities and some Stupid things i saw in campus!  =.=|||

Wings Cafe

Nougat from Australia


Sushi King

Vandalism in campus
Gosh! stupid !

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MaMa's Food Stall Opening Soon! 妈妈档要开张了!

 MaMa's Food Stall Opening Soon! 

妈妈档 9/2/2011 在 Bkt. Beruang, MMU CORNER 正式开张!!! 欢迎光临!

MaMa's Food Stall 9/2/2010 OPENING soon!!

Location: Bkt Beruang, MMU CORNER FOOD COURT


Saturday, January 8, 2011

!! ROCK !!

yeah~ recently, Falling  in love to Rock and RoLL songs!! 

TODAY, cousin, WC, HK, Alvin and me, We planned to watch Season of witch in DP's GSC.
but since Alvin and i ,not that interest to that movie. So last min both of us changed our plan! 
Because we Love Rock N' Roll more! =P  

Yea~ we sang a lot of RnR songs in dreambox!
 sang out loud!! 
of course this help us to release stress & some annoying thing inside brain!!

songs that i like to sing out loud!!   =)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

not just a nice song ...

In the night I hear 'em talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless
How could you be so heartless?
Oh, how could you be so heartless?

How could you be so
Cold as the winter wind when it breeze yo
Just remember that you talking to me tho'
You need to watch the way you talking to me no
I mean after all the things that we been through
I mean after all the things we got into
And yo I know some things that you ain't told me
And yo I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna give me back
And You gon' show me
So you walk around like you don't me
You got a new friend
Well I got homeys
But at the end it's still so lonely

In the night I hear 'em talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless
How could you be so heartless?
Oh, how could you be so heartless?

How could you be so Dr. Evil
You're bringing out a side of
Me that I don't know,
I decided we weren't gonna speak so why are up 3 a.m. on the phone,
Why does she be so mad at me for, homey I don't know she's hot and cold,
I won't stop; I won't mess my groove up
Cause I already know how this thing goes,

You run and tell you're friends that you're leavin' me,
They say that they don't see what you see in me,
You wait a couple months then you gone' see,
You'll never find nobody better than me

Coz' In the night I hear 'em talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless
How could you be so heartless?
Oh, how could you be so heartless?
How could you be so heartless, oh

I know you can't believe
I could just leave it wrong
And you can't make it right
I'm gon' take off tonight
Into the night...
Into the night

Cause in the night, I hear 'em talk,
The coldest story ever told.
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul
To a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless?
Oh... yeah

In the night I hear 'em talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless
Oh, how could be so heartless
Oh, how could be so heartless
How could be so...
So heartless... oh...
How could you be so heartless

not just cute picture ...

无法假装看不见。 """(傻笑)"""

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


人生就好比一盘 “蛇梯游戏”,
运气不好 踏错一步,你就得回到起跑点。


接受 ; 面对。

掩盖在乌云背后的太阳。。。    又有谁能体会他的无奈。。。

坚守 ;信念

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011年 第一则:新年快乐!


可以正式向大家说声 新年快乐!! =) 2011年,希望:

所有心愿,1 1 达成!!

心想事成!身体健康! 学越猛近! 生意兴隆! 笑口常开 =D 哈哈